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Archiarchy is Next Culture.
Possibility Management is thoughtware for Archiarchy.
Archiarchy is the regenerative human culture naturally emerging around the world now that matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course.
Archiarchy comes to life through archetypally initiated adult women creatively collaborating with archetypally initiated adult men.
Clearly, authentic adulthood initiations are key.
Once you can personally generate the culture of Archiarchy, you can carry it with you wherever you go. You never have to leave Archiarchy behind.
It is your birthright and your responsibility to consciously live in the culture you would love to live in.
If that culture does not already exist, then it is your calling to create that culture, and your pleasure to share it with anyone interested.
Creating and evolving culture is a set of skills that get turned on through aspiring to adulthood, becoming a Possibilitator, engaging authentic adulthood initiations, building new gameworlds that make the existing gameworlds irrelevant (they are already 'obsolete'), implementing Archiarchal Economics, becoming a New Refugee, including Whole Permaculture, and Regenerate Earth Goals (REGs), and joining the UNN ( United Network of Nanonations ).
Archiarchy Is Built By Cultural Creatives
What are Cultural Creatives? Where do they come from? How are they collaboratively creating Archiarchy?
Are you a Cultural Creative?
This one-hour documentary was viewed by over one million people and then got mysteriously deleted from the internet. A Team of Edgeworkers located the film on an archive website and restored it to the Creative Commons. Please share this treasure with your Circle and discuss it thoroughly. It gives so much clear background information about the joyful and timely emergence of Archiarchy. After watching this entire video, please register Matrix Code YOUTUBEx.32 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the PROOF section, please write your favorite quote from the film. Thank you!
In this 5 minute short, Paul H. Ray, co-author with Sherry Ruth Anderson of the book Cultural Creatives , gives a concise overview of the global culture-shift now underway driven by the present 350 million transnational local-authority Cultural Creatives.
Derrick Jensen identifies the unquestioned Assumptions that are used as the foundation
of the modern Capitalist Patriarchal Empire.
It is backwards to think you own land. The land is a living Being. Thinking you can own land is no different from thinking you can own a slave.
The way it is understood in Archiarchy is that the land owns you. You find yourself tending the land that possesses you.
Your main question in being responsible for land, or for anything that possesses you, is: "How can I make the land better in its own terms? My job is to help the land do what the land wants to do, in the way the land wants to do it, only better."
If you examine the popular United Nations infographic above, you will notice that we have changed it significantly. We have replace each of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) with REGs (Regenerate Earth Goals). For more details about this, please visit https://regenerateearthgoals.mystrikingly.com.
In 2015 when the SDGs were first introduced and agreed upon, they may have seemed like a significant step forward. By now (2024) it has become obvious that each of the original SDG 'Sustainable' Development Goals are shortsighted, secretly profit-motivated, and silly. Modern culture cannot be sustained without exterminating life on Earth.
Fortunately, the UN website now states: "The Sustainable Development Goals are badly off track."
In December 2023, the United Nations scheduled a 'Summit For the Future', 22–23 September 2024, and has asked for written proposals that contain 'concise, concrete, and action-oriented recommendations' for the preparation of the 'Zero Draft' of the 'Pact For The Future' to be ratified at the 'Summit For The Future'.
Possibility Management is a ‘Civil Society Organization’, part of the ‘third sector’ of society, distinct from government and business. Possibility Management is a loose global affiliation of an estimated 100,000 self-motivated Edgeworkers who research and implement regenerative thoughtware upgrades for Archiarchy since 1973 (the date of the first PM contexted Bridge-House).
In December 2023, Possibility Management submitted written input to the United Nations. The full text of these proposals is available to read at the Regenerate Earth Goals (REGs) website, and also in this article.
One of the action-oriented recommendations from Possibility Management is to establish 3000 Archiarchy Invention Centers (AICs) around the world, operated by youth who are commissioned to design and implement regenerative nonmaterial Archiarchy infrastructure within a short deadline.
You can be part of this. Register at the Archiarchy Invention Centers (AICs) website.
As Buckminster Fuller suggested, "You do not change things by fighting against the existing gameworlds. You change things by cavitating and inhabiting new regenerative gameworlds that make the existing gameworlds irrelevant."
From finances to farming, modern culture's existing gameworlds are ALREADY obsolete!
Archiarchy is a global collaboration of local-authority radical-responsibility-contexted gaian gameworlds creating and implementing regenerative human cultures on Earth.
You are now at the edge where reality is simple and raw, where useful actions can be taken. What are you going to do about it?
Archiarchy's Archetypal Symbol
Human beings are designed to inhabit and explore the Archetypal Domains.
Archiarchy enhances your capacities to activate your true potentials.
Here is the symbol of Archiarchy.
The 'infinity sign' in the center represents the Archetypal Feminine 'Everythingness'.
The circle on the perimeter represents the Archetypal Masculine 'Nothingness'.
Together these two symbols create a new symbol - the symbol of Archiarchy - archetypally-initiated adult women creatively collaborating with archetypally-initiated adult men. Archiarchal cultures rapidly emerging around the world now that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course.
Archiarchy has never existed on Earth before now.
The term ‘Archiarchy’was coined by Clinton Callahan before 4 January 2008 when Clinton used the name in processes and thoughtmaps during a Possibility Lab in Germany. From 2008 until 2017, Archiarchy existed only in theory, that is, in Phase 1 (Phase 1 is understanding Archiarchy). Archiarchy entered Phase 2 in 2023 (Phase 2 is building and inhabiting Archiarchy) as Bridge-Houses and Archiarchy Invention Centers began spontaneously forming around the world.
Archiarchy is centered on Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes as its highest value and currency of exchange, rather than profit, possessions, power-over-others, or prestige. Getting to next culture involves discovering that both modern culture and indigenous cultures have an edge. Discovering those edges can be scary. That is why we made this website: to have an information platform for Edgeworkers and Bridge-Builders to Archiarchy so we can meet and help each other.
This is the first known Thoughtmap showing Patriarchy and Archiarchy.
It was drawn by Clinton Callahan during a Possibility Lab on 5 March 2008 in Germany.
(NOTE: Originally Archiarchy was misspelled as 'Archearchy'. The correct spelling is 'Archiarchy'.)
Possibility Management was recognized as 'Thoughtware for Archiarchy'
during Christmas season 2007 when Clinton Callahan read the book,
High Noon: 20 global problems and 20 years to solve them, written by J. F. Rischard in 2004 (now revised).
By the way, the 20 years are up... What are you doing about it?
As you can see below, the symbol for Archiarchy is being recognized as a symbol for regenerative human cultures.
Map Of The Present Epochal Culture Shift
From matriarchy to patriarchy to archiarchy...
How Do You Get To Archiarchy? You Use Bridges
1. FIND: Realize that modern culture has edges, and that if you go to an edge and look out from there with clear eyes you suddenly find bridges to Archiarchy. These bridges are books, films, websites, learning centers, training programs, alternative schools, massively-multiplayer on-and-offline personal-development games, etc., and most importantly, these bridges are people... Archans... inhabitants and co-creators of Archiarchy. The bridges have perhaps been there a long time but you could not see them before the first moment you see them. Each bridge is represented by one or more Edgeworkers, Riftwalkers, or Possibilitators.
2. LEARN: Step onto a bridge. This means Choosing one of the bridges you find and participating in the project wholeheartedly. Hesitating to choose one bridge to step on, or trying to jump from one bridge to another bridge will get you nowhere.
3. GIVE: We teach best what we most need to learn. Once on a bridge to Archiarchy, your job is to Replace Yourself. It is a Law of the evolutionary Path. Further steps across your bridge to next culture come through you becoming a bridge-builder, offering to others what has already benefited you.4. LIVE: Some journeyers are meant to become the settlers in the context and gameworlds of Archiarchy. Others are destined to remain as bridge-builders, holding Doorways open for more to make it across into the new territory. Others are meant to slide sideways into new spaces at the edges of modern culture so as to build entirely new bridges to Archiarchy. Which is your Path?
Bridges to Archiarchy
During years of edgework experimenting, we have exchanged an astonishing amount of good will and possibilities with an incredibly diverse assortment of human beings. There is so much love involved in these exchanges that it overwhelms the mind. Only a massively-multiplayer globally-conscious presence could ever facilitate such complex and evolutionary connecting. But there you have it. We have the honor of loving all of these people, all at the same time. Perhaps you can get to know and love them too!
The list below is such a tidal wave of creative-hearts pouring out their gifts… and yet it represents only a tiny fraction of the edgework that is happening below modern culture’s news radar.
If you ever feel like giving up, if you ever feel alone, if you ever feel hopelessly disconnected from your true-purpose or from the juicy flow of Bright Principles, PLEASE scroll down this list and start clicking on these people’s websites. Discover what they are doing, and who they are doing it with – look at the links of their links. Immediately call someone on the telephone and speak with them personally. Ask them: How did you do that? What can I do for you? Then listen with all ears. Suddenly you’ll be back in the game!
What is the game? Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes.
Here are some hints:
Authentic: becomeauthentic.mystrikingly.com
Adulthood: adulthood.mystrikingly.com
Initiatory: initiations.org
Processes: process.mystrikingly.com
(NOTE: For a deeper understanding about the necessity for and the function of Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes, please visit initiations.org)
- Avalon Meeting: avalondharma.com
- Bright Future Now (online course) context.org
- Circling Europe circlingeurope.com
- Culture-Evolving Festivals: Festival Fire festivalfire.com/festivals, and, Fest300 everfest.com/fest300
- Game Changer Intensive (online course) landing.pachamama.org/game-changer-intensive-8-week-online-course
- Human Awareness Institute: hai.org
- Possibility Management: Expand The Box training, plus 10 Possibility Labs (including: Men's Outdoor Lab, Women's Lab, Possibility Village Lab, Adventure Lab, Gaia Lab, Heal From School Lab, Intimacy Journeyers Lab, Trainer Path Lab, Feelings Practitioner Labs, Sourceress & Wyzard Lab) possibilitymanagement.org
- Re-evaluation Counseling reevaluationcounseling.org
- School of Lost Borders - 11 day Vision Fast schooloflostborders.org/term/vision-fasts-and-training
- Tamera Core Curriculum: tamera.org/core-curriculum
Achim Ecker – Zegg Org zegg.org
Alexandro Jodorowsky – Psychomagic alejandro-jodorowsky.de/aktuell/aktuell.php
Andrew Gaines – Alliance 4 Sustainable Well Being andrewgaines.net
Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq – Ice Wisdom icewisdom.com
Annette Loy – Project Peace projectpeace.de
Arkan Lushwala – Time of the Black Jaguar (book) Arawaka Ceremonial Center, New Mexico pachamama.org/journey/2018/8/an-immersion-in-indigenous-wisdom
Arnold & Amy Mindell – Worldwork, X and U Process aamindell.net
Asher Miller, Richard Heinburg – Post Carbon Institute postcarbon.org
Ricken, Alice, Iain, Morgan, Ian, Allison – AVAAZ avaaz.org
Barbara Marx Hubbard – Evolve Org barbaramarxhubbard.com
Barefoot Sensay (AKA Mick Dodge) – Olympic Mountain Earth Wisdom Circle olympicmountainearthwisdomcircle.org
Benjamin von Mendelssohn – Tamera Org, Portugal tamera.org
Bill Kauth & Zoe Alowan – We Need Each Other (book) timefortribe.com/about
Bill McKibben – Deep Economy (book) 350 Org 350.org
Bill & Lynne Twist, Jon Symes, Ruel Walker – Pachamama Org pachamama.org
Brad Blanton – Radical Honesty (book) radicalhonesty.com
Carolyn Baker – Speaking Truth To Power carolynbaker.net
Carolyne Stayton – Transition US transitionus.org
Claudio Naranjo – Seekers After Truth naranjo-sat.com
Craig Karges – Experience The Extraordinary craigkarges.com
Dagmar Neubronner – Genius Verlag dagmarneubronner.de/start.html
Daniel Koupermann – Ecuador Travel Vacations ecuadortravelvacations.com/meet-the-guide
Daniel Schmachtenberger – Critical Path Institute facebook.com/cpath/
Daniel Quinn – Ishmael (book) ishmael.org
Daniel Suarez – Daemon and Freedom (books) thedaemon.com
Danny Running Bear August – Four Directions Gifting Circle sites.google.com/site/controlledfollyproductions/home
Dasya Zuccarello – Hohm Press hohmpress.com
David Diamond – Theatre for Living headlinestheatre.com
David Holmgren – Crash On Demand (essay) Permaculture holmgren.com.au
David (& Fran) Korten – The Great Turning (book) livingeconomiesforum.org
David MacLeod – Transition What Com transitionwhatcom.ning.com
David Seacord – Sufi Cherag Reverend davidseacord.com
Dennis Gallagher – Samadhisoft samadhisoft.com
Derrick Jensen – Endgame (book) derrickjensen.org
Diana Leafe Christian – Ecovillages News dianaleafechristian.org, ic.org
Donnie Maclurcan – What On Earth (book) Post Growth Org postgrowth.org
Doyle Canning – Center for Story Based Strategy storybasedstrategy.org
Duane Elgin – Awakening Earth (book) Great Transition Stories duaneelgin.com
Fleet Maull – Peacemaker Institute facebook.com/ThePeacemakerInstitute
Foster & Kimberly Gamble – Thrive Movement thrivemovement.com
Four Years. Go.
Fran (& David) Korten – Yes! Magazine yesmagazine.org
Frances Moore Lappé and Anna Lappé – Small Planet (book) smallplanet.org
Frederick Churchill – Winga (next generation wind turbine) organoworld.com
Gary Stamper – Collapsing Into Consciousness collapsingintoconsciousness.com
Gaia Community anewgaia.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network
Gaia Education – Global Ecovillage Educators for a Sustainable Earth (GEESE) – The Four Keys gaiaeducation.org
Gaia Education Videos – YouTube Channel youtube.com/user/gaiaeducation
Gary Caganoff - Lysis Films lysisfilms.com
GEN - Global Ecovillage Network gen-europe.org (GEN takes action: refuGEN)
Geraldine Ovando & Emiliano Longo – Los Hijos del fin del Mundo (film) filmaffinity.com/es/film206487.html
Geseko von Lüpke – Tiefenoekologie (Deep Ecology) tiefenoekologie.de
Gigi Coyle – School of Lost Borders schooloflostborders.org
Herwig Kopp – Normalum normalum.com
Homaya Amar & Yuval Rivlin – Divine Intervention homaya.org
Howard Mason – New Possibilities Associates newpossibilitiesassociates.com
Ina Meyer-Stoll – Zegg Org zegg.org
Inge Kögl – Curandera facebook.com/inge.pfeifer.7
Jacques Fresco – The Venus Project thevenusproject.com
James (& Suzy) Cameron - Years of Living Dangerously! theyearsproject.com
James Hansen – Storms of My Grandchildren (book) columbia.edu/~jeh1
James Hudgell – Sabai-Sabai Bungalows, Thailand sabai-bungalows.com
Janet Redmond – Transactional Analysis www.talkingworks.co.nz/pro/training/atati/Transactional+Analysis+training+in+Auckland.html ##
Jean Francois Rischard – High Noon book bigthink.com/u/jeanfrancoisrischard
Jeff Stein – Arcosanti arcosanti.org
Jeremy Rifkin – The Empathic Civilization (RSA video) foet.org
Jim & Jean Rough – Dynamic Facilitation dynamicfacilitation.com
Jim & Jean Rough – Wise Democracy wisedemocracy.org
Jim & Nora Zarvos – Zarvos Coaching zarvoscoaching.com
Joe Shirley & Spring Chen – Enteleos enteleos.com
John Corrigan – Group 8 Education, Australia gr8education.com
John Croft – Dragon Dreaming Org dragondreaming.org
John Michael Greer – The Archdruid Report ecosophia.net
John & Cynthia Hardy – Green School, Bali greenschool.org
John & Hilary James – Planet Extinction www.planetextinction.com, www.cruciblecentre.com ##
John Perkins – Secret History of the American Empire (book), johnperkins.org
John Renesch - Great Growing Up (book) futureshapers.com
John Robb – Brave New War (book) globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalguerrillas
John Robbins – Food Revolution foodrevolution.org
John & Jennifer Welwood – Something Will Occur Mystery School jenniferwelwood.com
John & Vivienne Benton – Benton Productions productions.benton.net.au
Jonathan Taylor – SelfDesign Highschool www.selfdesignhigh.org ##
Keith Varnum – Fun Shui thedream.com
Klaus Kilmer-Kirsch & Monika Flörchinger – Gewaltfrei Niederkaufungen gewaltfrei-niederkaufungen.de, gewaltfrei.de
Kosha Anja Joubert & Robin Alfred – Beyond You and Me (book) Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) gen-europe.org
Kristina Stoney – Ride 2 Learn worldbycycle.tiged.org/ridetolearn
Laura Grace Weldon – Free Range Learning (book) Bit of Earth Farm bitofearthfarm.wordpress.com
Lester Brown – Plan B (book) Earth Policy Org earth-policy.org
Linda Adams – Parent Effectiveness Training (book) gordontraining.com
Lion Goodman – Belief Closet clearyourbeliefs.com
Llyn Roberts – Shapeshifting (book) Earth Wisdom Circle llynroberts.com
Lua Bashala-Kekana – GEN Africa ecovillage.org/region/gen-africa
Malidoma Patrice Somé – Of Water and the Spirit (book) malidoma.com
Mandaza Augustine Kandemwa – Shaman mandaza.com
Marcin Jakubowski – Open Source Ecology opensourceecology.org
Marion Callahan – Next Culture Press nextculturepress.org
Margaret Wheatley – Berkana Institute margaretwheatley.com, berkana.org
Martin Prechtel – books: Secrets of the Talking Jaguar & Long Life Honey In The Heart Flowering Mountain Center floweringmountain.com
Mary Crowley – Project Kaisei – Clean the Oceans projectkaisei.org
Matthew Files – matthewfiles@yahoo.com
Mauricio Deliz – Transition Trainers world-changers.org
Meredith Little – School of Lost Borders schooloflostborders.org
Michelle Byrd & Asi Burak – Games for Change gamesforchange.org
Mikki Willis – Elevate Films elevate.us
Monika Flörchinger – Gewaltfrei Trainerin gewaltfrei-niederkaufungen.de
Morel Fourman – New Paradigm of Leadership gaiasoft.com
Mugove Walter Nyika - Seeding Schools Africa seedingschools.org
Naresh Giangrande & Sophy Banks – Transition Towns transitionnetwork.org
Possibility Management YouTube Channel – Videos youtube.com/user/CallahanAcademy
Nicholas Joyce – InTerraTree / Drums for Development interratree.com
Nick Osborne – Transition Trainers response-ability.co.uk
Paul Chefurka – Approaching the Limits to Growth paulchefurka.ca
Peter Ellyard – Designing 2050 designing2050.com
Peter Joseph – Zeitgeist Movement thezeitgeistmovement.com
Peter Merry – Evolutionary Leadership (book) petermerry.org
Phillip Munyasa – OTEPIC organicfarminghealingtherift.blogspot.pt
Pierce Brosnan – Save Biogems Org savebiogems.org
REconomy Org – Local Economies reconomy.org
Resilience Org – resilience.org
Richard Olivier – Olivier Mythodrama oliviermythodrama.com
Rick Pursell – Cause No Harm Org cause-no-harm.com
Rob Hopkins – Transition Culture Blog transitionnetwork.org/blogs/rob-hopkins
Robert & Rosalind Fritz – Creating (book) robertfritz.com
robert wolff – Original Wisdom (book) wildwolff.mystrikingly.com
Robin Hanson – Overcoming Bias overcomingbias.com
Robin Sverd – Kaos Pilots kaospilot.dk
Robert & Lianna Gilman – Context Institute context.org
Roman Huber – Artabana artabana.de, Mehr Demokratie mehr-demokratie.de
Ron Bosanquet – Leonis School leonis.org
Ross & Hildur Jackson – Occupy World Street (book) occupyworldstreet.org, GEN (Global Ecovillage Network) gaia.org
Ruby T. Ong – Reflections Resource Center reflections.com.hk
Sami Awad – Holy Land Trust holylandtrust.org
Sabine Lichtenfels – Tamera Org tamera.org
Sarah Byrnes – Resilience Circles localcircles.org
Scilla Elworthy – Peace Direct peacedirect.org
Sebastian Goder – Films / Mind Life Balance / Power Bridging sebastiangoder.de
Sharron Ragan – Intuitive Consultation sharronragan.com
Shay Sloan – The Wild Foundation wild.org
Shayla Wright – Wide Awake Heart wideawakeheart.net
Sobonfu Somé – Wisdom Spring sobonfu.com
Stefan Heyland – Spirit Journey spirit-journey.de
Stephen Jenkinson – Orphan Wisdom orphanwisdom.com
Stephen Karpman – Drama Triangle & TA karpmandramatriangle.com
Steve & Trudy Bhaerman – Swami Beyondananda wakeuplaughing.com
Stewart Brand – The Long Now Foundation longnow.org
Suzanne Taylor – Mighty Companions mightycompanions.org
Suzi (& James) Cameron – Muse School museschool.org
Tami Simon – Sounds True soundstrue.com
Thomas Bormann – Beratung www.bormann-beratung.de ##
Tim Bennett & Sally Erickson – What A Way To Go (movie) whatawaytogomovie.com
Timo Wuerz – Graphic Art timowuerz.de
Tom Atlee – Co-Intelligence Institute co-intelligence.org
Tonic Gold (alchemical elixer) www.tonicgold.com, theexpandedheart.com/tonicgold.html ##
Valerie Lankford – booklet: Four Feelings and What To Do With Them / Transactional Analysis
Viarne Mischon – Wonderful World Media Network 3WBC 93.1FM – Primary Perspectives ‘radio created for kids by kids’ wwmn.net
Volker Thomsen – partnering with Frederick Churchill’s Winga (next generation wind turbine – see organoworld.com) volkerthomsen.com
Warren Moon – Wilderness Awareness Sctranslathool (Anake) wildernessawareness.org
William Glasser – Choice Theory (book) wglasser.com
Youth Passageways – youthpassageways.org
Friends of Possibility Management:
Anne-Chloé Destremau annechloedestremau.org
Anne Schmid
Britta Reichard respektrum.de
Clinton Callahan clintoncallahan.org, initiations.org and nanonations.org
Cornelius Butz intensivcoach.de
Dagmar Thürnagel & Michael Hallinger aufbruch-trainings.de
Dahlia Abramovic 4-koerper-osteopathie.de
Feelings Practitioners (emotional body healing using PM tools and distinctions) feelingspractitioner.com
Georg Pollitt harbigarr.ch
Stacia Beazley pminoz.com.au and theartofrelating.com.au
Hilde Mohren mohren-coaching.de
Joachim Müller wandern-achtsamkeit.de
Jonathan Sprungk jonathan-sprungk.de
Katharina Kaifler katharinakaifler.de
Marina Deeken & Ralf Kolem thesilentwings.com
Michael Hallinger & Dagmar Thürnagel aufbruch-trainings.de
Michael Poertner & Michaela Kaiser michaelpoertner.com
Möglichkeitenraum (training center seminar house) moeglichkeitenraum.de
Nicola Neumann-Mangoldt (neé Nagel) viva-essenza.de
Patrizia Servidio lebe-deine-berufung.de
Paul Rogers nextculture-us.com
Peter van Oosterhout ki-coach.com
Sonia Willaredt cometolife-trainings.org
Stefanie Heidtmann www.sayitoutloud.de
Citizens for Legitimate Government – Lori Price legitgov.org
Op Ed News – Rob Kall opednews.com
Yes! Magazine – Fran Korten yesmagazine.org
The Impact Hub – Global mpacthub.net
Möglichkeitenraum – Michael Pörtner & Michaela Kaiser moeglichkeitenraum.de
Schweibenalp, Switzerland – Sundar Dreyfus schweibenalp.ch
Social Innovation Exchange (Directory) socialinnovationexchange.org
SpielRaum – Dagmar Thürnagel & Michael Hallinger spielraum-planegg.de
An ecovillage is a human-scale settlement consciously designed through participatory processes to secure long-term sustainability (from gen-europe.org).
In fact, an ecovillage is an autonomous nanonation (nanonations.org), more and more often having their own unique culture, currency, context, constitution, and space in the global ethnosphere. (Therefore the country names mentioned below are merely for ease of geographical location rather than implying ownership.)
An ecovillage is a seed crystal for Archiarchy, a breakthrough in consciousness that others can more easily follow, and therefore serves humanity as a bridge.
Here are the ecovillages that we are already friends with (there are many thousands more!):
Arcosanti, Arizona, USA arcosanti.org
Earthaven, North Carolina, USA earthaven.org
Findhorn, Scotland findhorn.org
InTerraTree, Togo valhallamovement.com/InTerraTree
Kufunda, Zimbabwe kufunda.org
Lenzwald, Germany pulsdererde.org
Mama Na Bana, Congo ecovillage.org/project/mama-na-bana
Niederkaufungen, Germany kommune-niederkaufungen.de
Schloss Glarisegg, Switzerland schloss-glarisegg.ch
Sieben Linden, Germany siebenlinden.org
Tamera, Portugal tamera.org
Tempelhof, Germany schloss-tempelhof.de
Tui Community, New Zealand www.tuitrust.org.nz
Valhalla Movement, Quebec, Canada valhallamovement.com
Zegg, Germany zegg.org
Plants For A Future: pfaf.org
Kokopelli (in France): kokopelli-semences.fr
SuperAntiSpyware - free efficient cookie and tracker deleter: superantispyware.com
PhotoScape - free fantastic photo editing software: photoscape.org
PIXresizer - free simple photo resizer: pixresizer.findmysoft.com
Strikingly - free superb website-builder platform: strikingly.com
Critical Mass: criticalmassfilm.com
End:Civ with Derek Jensen youtube.com/watch?v=3hx-G1uhRqA
Next Culture Radio: nextcultureradio.org
Possibility Books: possibilitybooks.mystrikingly.com
Possibility Films: possibilityfilms.mystrikingly.com
Also visit the extensive list of matrix-building Possibilitator Films at: imdb.com/list/ls048776052
Ban on Mini Killer Drones theguardian.com/science/2017/nov/13/ban-on-killer-robots-urgently-needed-say-scientists
How Can You Help Create Archiarchy?
You Can Experiment!
No one can experiment for you.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from experimenting.
Archiarchy is centered on authentic adulthood healing and initiatory processes as its highest value, and uses Nonmaterial Value as its currency of exchange, rather than the profit, material possessions, power-over-others, money, or prestige at the center of Patriarchal cultures.
Getting to Archiarchy involves discovering that both modern culture and indigenous cultures have an edge. Discovering those edges can be scary. If you are afraid of your fears, then before you can become aware of what you are doing, you reflexively bounce away from the edges back into the Zombie marshmallow zone of your Box.
That is why we made this website: to provide Edgeworkers, Riftwalkers, Bridge-Builders and Possibilitators with an information resource for helping each other Cavitate and inhabit Archiarchy.
As R. Buckminster Fuller figured out, "You don't change things by fighting against the existing gameworlds. You change things by creating and inhabiting new regenerative-culture gameworlds that make the existing gameworlds irrelevant." Modern culture gameworlds are already obsolete.
Buckminster Fuller was wrong about one thing: Human beings are not passengers on 'Spaceship Earth'. We ARE the Earth. Killing the Earth is killing ourselves. Nurturing the Earth is nurturing ourselves.
Clearly, understanding and accomplishing a Point Of Origin culture-shift involves upgrading your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.). There is no better way to Upgrade your Thoughtware than by becoming an Experimenter!
Each Experiment you try, matters. After doing an Experiment, please register your Matrix Code at StartOver.xyz.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.01
Learn outer and inner permaculture.
Inner Navigating + Outer Navigating = Archan Permaculture
What is Archan Permaculture? It is the kind of Permaculture they do in Archiarchy!
For Outer Permaculture, wherever you are, change your front yard or back yard or neighbor's side yard into a highly productive food garden. Grow and preserve your own vegetables. Raise chickens for eggs. Save seeds for next season rather than buying hybrids from Monsanto.
For Inner Permaculture, change your inner world into a productive garden by upgrading the set of Distinctions you use on a daily basis to think, feel, perceive, and create with. No one can do this for you. No one can stop you from doing it.Please be aware that each authentic Thoughtware Upgrade changes the shape of your Being which occurs through some form of 5 Body Liquid State... or else you are merely thinking about it and nothing actually changes.
In school, they taught you what to think about, the contents of your mind. But before you went to school you could already think, or they would not have let you into school, right?
Thoughtware is what you use to think with. Where did you get your thoughtware? From your parents, of course. And where did your parents get their thoughtware? From their parents, and so on. The result is that you are using VERY outdated and dysfunctional thoughtware.
Your whole previous education has probably been saturated with the thoughtware from the capitalist patriarchal empire, which uses hierarchies in their organizational power structures. This is a design error, because the people who move up the hierarchies are the ones who will do whatever it takes to get power. The people who are most effective at doing whatever it takes to get power are psychopathic. Psychopaths do not teach you that you are born and raised in a capitalist patriarchal empire. That would be to their disadvantage. But you can rather easily figure this out yourself.
But when you figure it out, what are you going to do about it? You can upgrade your thoughtware by reading transformational books, watching transformational films, participating in workshops and trainings.
Have Fun! If upgrading your thoughtware is not an amazing adventure, something is off. Quick! Try something different until it becomes alive and Fun again!
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. For PROOF please write one of your new Inner Permaculture or Whole Permaculture Distinctions. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.02
In person or by phone ask 7 of your secret best friends to upgrade their thoughtware with you. It is so much easier and enjoyable to go on this archetypal transformational initiatory journey with a few friends.
Coming together as a team also makes the journey more possible. Why? Because it is far easier to solve someone else's problems than to solve your own. Did you ever notice this? Together you can create a weekly Possibility Team meeting to provide wise feedback and coaching for each other and solve each other's problems.
This is a practical application of group intelligence.
This is also taking radical responsibility. Why? Because by creating a team for your journey into archiarchy you have already stopped expecting a corporation or government to save the Earth. You know that if they were ever going to do it they would have done it already. This is the revolution. This is taking back your own Authority and saving the Earth, starting with yourself.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.03
Next Friday evening have a potluck vegetarian dinner party at your house and before you eat together watch the 75 minute documentary called End:Civ with Derek Jensen: imdb.com/title/tt1830585
Or watch The Corporation, 144 minutes, by Jennifer Abbot and Mark Achbar, thecorporation.com. Or watch Trashed, 114 minutes, by Candida Brady and Jeremy Irons.
The point of watching these and the many other eye-and-heart-and-mind opening documentary films is:
"You cannot change what you cannot face." -the revolutionary Juan Santos
You might have feelings while watching these videos... Good! Finally you are feeling something relevant!
Having feelings means you are not dead yet.
There are only 4 feelings: anger, sadness, fear, and joy. Write down what you are feeling during the documentaries and why you feel that.
After watching the documentary share your notes with each other about what you are feeling and why. Especially anger is useful for doing the next thing.
After dinner figure out what the next thing you will do is, both individual actions and Team actions. Become Committed to when and with whom you do the next thing.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.04
Form a 3Cell with 2 friends to commit with you to attend an Expand The Box training no matter what. Then propose a project to your team to come together to financially and emotionally support the 3 of you to participate in this adulthood initiation. How to create the funds? Become money! Go through each others' basements, attics, closets, garages, and storage lockers together as a team and gather up anything that any of you has not touched during the last twelve months. Sell all this stuff at a combined eBay and yard sale. Do whatever it takes to get rid of it ALL. Put the total money collected into a jar with the estimated total amount needed written on the outside. Cleaning out your unnecessary Baggage lightens your load and makes it easier to create a new future, because whatever you own that does not give you energy, takes your energy. For ideas how to create the rest of the money read this list.
For more astonishingly nonlinear but imminently doable way to co-generate the funds for you and your friends to pay for your authentic adulthood initiatory experiences read out loud together The Money Question online near the bottom of this FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section: possibilitymanagement.org/faq
Yes, of course, you are right... it does not have to be Expand The Box training. Your next step could be firewalking, or a three month foot journey through Iraq or Cambodia, or an 11 day Vision Fast with Gigi Coyle's School of Lost Borders, or participating in Robert Gilman's Bright Future Now online course from the Context Institute, or joining a 30 day Ecovillage Design Education from Gaia Education... on and on and on... Each course is guaranteed to expand your worldview, upgrade your thoughtware, build your sustainability skill-base, and introduce you to wildly interesting and enthusiastic new friends.
It doesn't matter what you try together. What matters is that you try SOMETHING to exceed your Box's limitations and work as a team to actually go do something completely different! Then the energies flow and you all get on a roll towards creating Archiarchy!
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.05
Notice that the most exciting part of your day is when you are doing Experiments!
What Experiments are you doing each day (and night)? There are so many Experiments to try!
Nobody can Experiment for you. But more interestingly, nobody can stop you from experimenting.
Get experimental ideas every week by email for free by signing up for SPARKs. S.P.A.R.K. stands for Specific Practical Application of Radical Knowledge. Don't just read them. Actually DO the experiments. Your life will change and you will Build Matrix in your energetic body to hold the consciousness to shift into Archiarchy directly, personally, in your everyday life.
Matrix is made from Distinctions. The more Distinctions you hold, the more Matrix you build.
There is consciousness everywhere. Just like light, the consciousness is invisible until it hits something. Consciousness manifests according to the structure that reflects it, again, just like light. In this case, your Matrix is the structure of reflection.
Each new Distinction you can hold changes who you are. By integrating new Distinctions you force the universe to respond differently to you according to your new shape. In this way you can walk through the world representing... actually, sourcing... Archiarchal culture wherever you go. Your new state of Being changes the morphogenetic field of the human race and makes it easier for others to do the same. This rapidly changes the status quo.
Read and do one S.P.A.R.K each week for at least 4 weeks togehter with a friend of yours.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.06
In the late 1960s, a new word was invented to name the fear that many people were feeling then about all the new technologies coming into their lives such as fax machines, microwave ovens, satellite cell phones, remote control garage door openers, video cameras, etc. The new word was technophobia, the fear of technology.
Now, one generation later, we are forced to invent another term technopenuriaphobia (penuria means the lack of) to describe our new deep fear, the fear of not being able to survive on Earth without the use of these same technologies.
Yes, we have forgotten how to live on the Earth.
You may recognize that sudden fear striking deep in your bones when the elevator stops between floors, when your car runs out of gas in a dark lonely forest at night, or when the WiFi inexplicably stops. Technopenuriaphobia means the fear of losing access to technology.
These days we are born high-up on a ladder of technology where food comes from the refrigerator and money comes out of cash machines. We are missing the low-tech skills and knowledge that connect us to life on Earth which took us thousands of years to learn.
One way to regain your low-tech footing is to commit to taking steps on your personal path of authentic adulthood initiatory processes. Doing this empowers you to take more responsibility and shift out of your victim-state-dependencies of the technicized world. Nobody can do these steps for you. What's more interesting is that nobody can stop you from doing them. To ignite your inspiration you can watch this video list and jot down any adulthood initiatory processes which you might not have done yet.
Healing skills for Technopenuriaphobia are: Starting fire by rubbing sticks together (and 7 additional ways without matches), blow gun, boomerang, sling, slingshot, use bow and arrow, spear throwing, knife throwing, axe throwing, navigating by stars and moss, discovering edible plants, building shelters, making clothing and shoes, growing and harvesting grains, baking bread, and so on and so on. They are excellent to learn with young people, because then you are as inept as they are, and they see this, and love you for it. Pick one of the Technopenuriaphobia healing skills, do it and notice the healing you create for yourself.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.07
There are various ways to exit the patriarchy. One way is to face the immense but still unconscious price you pay to remain in the patriarchy.
"Price?" you ask.
Think about it. You weren't schooled in a way that empowers your natural talents but rather to fit into a system designed to serve a wealthy elite. You were born guilty and trained to blame others and try to get away with anything you can. 'Responsibility' is a dirty word in the patriarchy - only stupid people behave ethically or take responsibility.
You made an unspoken promise NOT to expose the emptiness of 'success' as defined in the modern culture system. Anybody can be bought. Nature is valued only when money changes hands. Your mind has been over-taxed while your heart and soul shrivel in neglect. You can't articulate the pain in you because the training is to stay disconnected and numb, without encouragement for compassion, empathy, relationship or sensuality. Instead, you get addicted to adrenaline intensity, fighting and competing with others for power and material possessions just to survive. Time is money. Women are sex objects - disposable wives. Children are a problem. Death is a fantasy. There is no space for simply being.When you were born you had to choose: join the patriarchy or be abandoned. The ultimate price of becoming a patriarch is that you do not get to become yourself.
The only way to stop paying that price is to exit the patriarchy. No one can exit for you. Exiting takes every fiber of effort you can exert and is extremely personal, yet, you cannot escape alone. You need a Possibility Team, and you need something to exit into.
That is why before exiting the patriarchy Edgeworkers Take A Stand together that Archiarchy already exists because we exist.
Your Stand makes it easier for you to escape the patriarchy because there is already a place to go to. It is called next culture - archiarchy - the creative collaboration of the archetypally-initiated adult feminine with the archetypally-initiated adult masculine.
Welcome home.Call up one of your friends that supports you leaving the patriarchy by themselves also taking a stand to leave the patriarchy. The speaker speaks out loud and clearly 'I take a stand for...'. The listener listens and repeats back 'You take a stand for...'. If your taking a stand is complete, you switch roles. Then commit to your first authentic adulthood initiatory Process in your new shape of being.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.08
This Experiment is to be done in your PTeam or at a really great café with a fellow explorer of Archiarchy. Take your Beep! Book and take two new pages. They are blank. On the left side is patriarchal Thoughtware (Patriarchy). On the right side is Archiarchal Thoughtware. Make a list of 10 dimensions of Culture that you want to explore by upgrading your Thoughtware.
For example (not limited to):- Money
- Relationship
- Time
- Power
- Love
- Sex
- Success
- Ecsctacy/Fun
- Ownership
- Womanhood/Manhood
- ...
Choose 10 different dimensions. In your research of patriarchal Thoughtware, write down and be really clear about the Thoughtware you use(d to use). To do that, describe the relationship of your patriarchal Thoughtware to each specific dimension. For each dimension write 1 or 2 sentences short.
When you shift to Archiarchy, first research what Thoughtware would create an Archiarchal Culture. Then, go to the Distinctionary, read about the Distinctions in the Distinctionary. But do the research first by yourself.
The hint is: if you are still carrying a certain uninspected Thoughtware, it feels like reality. It feels like nothing else is possible than this.
It will require for you to go to Question, to really deeply question what you have thought is unmovable. And you might discover that the unmovability was made up by you living in a Fantasy World created out of the Patriarchy. You will probably feel Fear as you leave the patriarchal Thoughtware behind.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.09
Study enough the website of Adulthood so that you get it into your body. The authentic initiatiory adulthood path never ends! This Experiment is about celebrating and sharing with other people your own personal experiences on your authentic adulthood initiatory path. What is your experiment today?
Today your Experiment is your Practice of Being Unhookable. You are asking people to blame you for things without yourself being hooked:
'Please blame me for whatever you want.'
If you get hooked, you pay them 10 dollars. Being hooked means, if you use justifiy, explain, argue or defend yourself. Today, this is your unhookability Practice for your Adulthood Path.
Make sure that for the next two weeks you are working on 3 Adulthood Practices each day. Celebrate that you are doing this. You are on your authentic initiatory adulthood path. Make this what you talk about with other people. And ask them, 'What are you doing..?'.
Yes, it is an unusual topic of conversation, but what a joyous one!
After 2 weeks of having your 3 practices a day, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
List one day of your two weeks.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.10
Archiarchy is a circle based culture, contrary to the Patriarchy, which is a hierarchical based culture. In a Hierarchy there is only a few people that have Authority and those are at the top. These people at the top have Authority and NO Responsibility. In a circle based culture as Archiarchy, each person in the circle has the Authority to take Responsibility at the level of Responsibility they can take. This is not a fair conversation. And this is not reasonable. If you can see it and move it and pick it up it is your Responsibility.
Depending on how much Matrix you have built in yourself, your are capable of taking more or less Responsibility. This is because Matrix is the inner structure that holds and reflects your Consciousness and awareness. If you have the level of Matrix to shift what is possible then your are responsible. Your awareness equates to your Responsibility.
Take actions from your Authority beyond your Box's ordinary habit. Discover the Joy in that. Create a new relationship to your environment, including the people around you by being responsible at your highest level. This might require a number of Emotional Healing Processes around 'being a powerless, irresponsible victim for all your life'. Or you still think that somebody needs to take care of your needs if you take care of the needs of them.
An example would be that you are staying at a hotel or Airbnb and they provide shit aluminium teflon pans and you throw it away and buy a cast iron pan and you leave it there, without telling anybody. The bug stops here. You pay the bill. You stop loooking for someone else to pay.
You do interventions.
For the next two weeks 3 times a day act at your highest level of Responsibility without asking for any payback. The payback is your Authority and your Joy of Creation.When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.11
Humans have 3 Powers. On of them is to Declare What Is So: Rename your activitiy with a new, unique, personally inspiring title so that rather being in the identity of being a good student or a good citizen or a nice girl or a good boy or a good daughter, who is obeying the rules of the system, this experiment is to Shift Identity. You tell the story of what you are doing depending on the identity you choose. Instead of telling yourself that you are for example a 'Secretary writing down other people's words', you can tell the story that this is actually an alchemical process. It could not happen without you doing it. Your are fundamentally needed for this alchemical process to work.
Your contribution, your aliveness comes from in this case being an 'Experiment alchemist translating fantasy concepts into instructions for transformational experiments'.
Once you have your new title and it is experimental, write a letter to your mother and explain your new title: 'I quit school, I am now an experiment alchemist. I am having a great time. I have hatched out of the egg... Thanks for being my mom.'
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.12
Archiarchy does not happen in school. If you are still suffering the behaviours and wounds from being in school you are not in Archiarchy.
If you consider that entering Adulthood includes healing the wounds from your childhood and then think about where was the place you spent the most time in your childhood, it was school. The healing path into Adulthood necessarily includes Healing from School. This includes huge Fear of saying the wrong answers.
Organise in your PTeam, a 'Healing Rage From School Space' from the pain(s) of having your childhood time taken away from you by a patriarchal prison system of brainwashing and suppressing your potential.
Read the 'healfromschool-website' and set the context for the space from what is alive in you after reading. After context-setting, let the rage-space go on for an hour. Let the rage come in waves and travel down the layers of your rage. If you do this in a PTEAM do this in pairs or groups of 3 so you hear each other and can repeat back to each other what you hear.
This is the beginning of PHASE I healing from school. It is a Doorway out of Patriarchy into Archiarchy. School is one of the 8 prisons to escape from and heal.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.13
For your whole life, you could have been benefiting from the creative output from a 100,000 years of Human Beings. You might benefit from all the crossbreading that somebody patiently did for decades so that we have these big fat juicy crunchy delicious carrots. Someone figured out how to grow the right type of cotton, and how to colour it. Now you are wearing clothes.
Our whole life is bas.. fed by the Creative Commons.
With neurotic power over possessive competition based scarcity, financial gameworlds have emerged and somebody would come up with a concept called copyright. IT is a completely fake, neurotic, psychopathic concept central to Patriarchy.
Archiarchy has a completely different relationship to Creation.
If you have been fed enough. If you have had enough oxygen and water you have been fed by the creative commons.
This Experiment is to use your Nonmaterial Value to create something. Write an article, write an app programme, create a new Process for a new kind of flower.
NOTE: this does not mean create a piece of art. Art is actually the side effect of an artist's ecstatic experience of being in the material world.
Take whatever you create and copyleft it. Go to the creative commons website, figure out the Creative Commons Attribute And Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Mark the value - this already is a healing process. Mark it copyleft so that it can be used by anyone anywhere so you can and you feel ecstatically glad about it. If you do not feel estatically glad about it, do the EHP.
If you publish.. please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.14
Get out your Beep! Book. Write answers to these three questions:
First question:
What are you afraid of if you had to start completely over? Write down what you would be afraid of might happen or might not happen.
Next question:
Who will you loose? What will you loose that you really love that you have right now? What do you think you will loose that you have but you don't love?
Next question:
What will you possibly gain? What would you love to discover in your new world of starting over?
Your answers need to be at least 5 sentences for each of these 3 questions.
After you have answered those three questions and thought about it for a while, go to the Startover Website and start looking at the logos.
Choose 3 different logos from the cloud of the Bubble Map Of Logos. That will help you face your Fears and discover more Abundance in yourself than you thought you had. If you loose something you have Abundance for something else.
Discover how you could implement the answer to your 3rd question in your life: What would you love to encounter?
Pick one website for each of the questions.
Take on a Practice for each of the websites you pick.
Do the Practices voraciously for 1 week.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.15
The Experiment is to carve Time, to Make Time in your life for what is important to you. In Archiarchy, one of the bases of creating Archiarchy is to having your 5 bodies fed generously. The podcasts that are posted on Next Culture Radio are high level archiarchal food especially for your Emotional Body, your Energetic Body and your Archetypal Body, that are often left out of the food you might create for yourself.
Go for walks or sit on your coach and listen to the podcasts. Do not do it as a way to fall asleep.
IT is also not a way for you to rest. It is not a resting time from your stressful time. It is a feeding time.
Write notes in your Beep! Book of 3-5 Distinctions that you hear in the podcast for further investigation in your life.
For three weeks, two times a week, listen to an hour long podcast.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.15 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points. Register your 2 favourite titles in the proof section. Be sure to also register the matrix point for each podcast you listen to.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.16
1. Look at your parents and write down the patriarchal Thoughtware that your mother uses to live her life, that your father uses to live his life. Make a list of at least 10 Thoughtwares for your mother and your father. If you did not have a mother or a father, pick a mother or father figure. Your teacher, neighbour, aunt.
2. Think about how in order for you to survive their patriarchal Thoughtware became normal for you. So you still have remnants of that patriarchal Thoughtware inside of you. Form the Thoughtware of your mother and your father, list 5 pieces of patriarchal Thoughtware that you still carry in you.
3. Out of those 5, invent 2 new viewpoints, distinctions, ways of life, attitudes, practices, values. You invent two of those things and write them down, very clearly in your Beep! Book. They are archiarchal Thoughtware that you want to try out.
For the next two weeks start at least 1 conversation each day with each of those new pieces of Thoughtware. Say soemthing like "I think that planting a plant is a sacred activity." Start the conversation that way.
"Children should have their own culture. There is all these cultures in the world: Race car culture, computer culture. I think children have their own culture, we have just been crushing it."
This is your first sentence. You keep expanding it and getting deeper. After that, Write Your Article or give a WorkTalk.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.16 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.17
You sit there and you get out your Beep! Book and you start writing the reality of these two forces in you, your Anger and your Fear:
Your Anger about somebody out there forcing you to have enough money to get food, shelther, clothing, transportation, your phone. You are angry because this outside force is just forcing you to have money to thrive.
Your Fear in you saying something like 'if I go, the world is so big, if I abandon everything here, that makes me so free and I don't know what is going to happen and I am not going to be productive and I do not know how to Survive in the world without money.' It is terrifying to risk that the central foundation of your life is being without money. This is an inner war that everyone is holding secret. Pretending it is okay that it is like this. But take your war, put it in your Beep! Book. Go to your PTeam.
Read your notes and act them out at the same time. You act them out with full emotional force about the crippling parasite on your life, your heart, Your Being. On the other side full screams, fall on the floor, shrivel up into a ball and freak out about having no basis for life if you do not buy the Bullshit about money.
If you do not use your Conscious Feelings to end the war, you will unconsciously stay in it. Go make it public, in your group.
Other people can then, if they have not written it up, write it up too.
That is a great experiment for PTeam.
The point is to take a vow to end the war. Through Transformation. Not by pretending money does not exist. We were just talking to a guy who was going to pretend he is not privileged to be not privileged. But the fact that he has a choice of acting not privileged means he is privileged.
It is like that. Stand there in the middle and put up your fist and speak 'I end this war through Transformation. I am Becoming Money. I am becoming my Nonmaterial Value. That is the beginning of a Path. This is the beginining of a Process I can go. I Create Possibility.'
You making it public is the beginning of the fulfillment of the promise to end the war.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.17 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.18
Please read through the Archiarchy Kiva website to understand that Teams of people around the world organise or create the possibility of making microloans of 25 euros to qualified individuals and groups. Archiarchy Kiva is a magical force because it allows you to put your money into circulation in a way that benefits someone else.
This unbalances the fairness in the universe, tilting towards your direction. With 2, 3 or 4 25 euro loans circulating around the world in your name there is enough positive benefit owed to you by the universe that luck increases in your favour. Coincidences beyond expectations start showing up because you have unbalanced the favor for someone else and the good fortune is owed to you - that is a law of Nature.
This Experiment is to join the Archiarchy Kiva Team, make at least 1 25 euro loan to someone in the Kiva gameworld. For the proof, please type in the country of where you made the loan.
Your 25 euros loans goes out and comes back and you can loan it a couple of times in a year.
• Everybody has 25 euros. Why is not everybody pairing up?
• Procrastination of doing amazing stuff. We are so addicted to doing normal stuff. Our parents did not do this so why would we do it?When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.18 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.19
In your Beep! Book, make two columns. A list of mistakes made by modern culture and a list of new skills in Archiarchy. Design 3 Initiations that would take a person out of the mistakes and craziness of modern culture, and give them new Responsibility in Archiarchy. Give them each a title and Write the Process with all the fundamental steps of that Initiation.
After you made the list of 3 Initiations, look at them and pick one. Do this one. One of the Experiments to shift out the capitalist patriarchal empire is the Creation of your own Initiations into Archiarchy by going through them.
After completion of your Initiation Write An Article about your designed Experiment, your initiation design process and report doing the Initiation yourself and what happened for you.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.19 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points. Proof is the title of Initiation you did.
Extra credit: Send your Initiations to annechloe.destremau@gmail.com
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.20
You have 5 Bodies, one of them is your Emotional Body. Your Emotional Body experiences 4 kinds of Feelings - mad, sad, glad, scared and 1000s of varieties of mixed Feelings which become Emotions.
Your job in this Experiment is to consciously avoid every single Feeling and Emotion for 3 days.
The technique is not to numb yourself or stay in your head or stress yourself out (because stress is one of those mixed Emotion of Anger, Sadness and Fear mixed together, maybe even Joy). The technique is to notice your Feelings and Emotions and don't let them influence your thoughts, Words or actions. One way to do this is to put your Feelings and Emotions into a prison, to the side of yourself. So that they are in a prison and don't influence what you do.
A 3 day diary in your Beep! Book called: Life without Feelings and Emotions. Make notes what is left of life if the Feelings and Emotions of people and yourself are put away in a prison cell.
For example, when you drink your orange juice or your coffee or water, and see what is left of those experiences without Feelings and Emotions. What is left, what remains.
Do this for 3 days if you can bear it.
Each time you feel something, put one dollar a in a jar to donate to Kiva for the previous experiment.After the third day have a party with at least one other person where you share your Conscious Feelings and Emotions about avoiding Feelings and Emotions.
Consciously celebrate the fact that you have an Emotional Body.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.20 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.21
For the next week, wear a hat, a scarf, some sunglasses or a coat with a high collar - something to remind yourself that you have become a 'Gremlin Sherlock Holmes'. Capture descriptions of Gremlin behavior from all the people around you in your Beep! Book.
You write their name and what they did or did not do, right in the moment that you see it.
Perhaps people will see you whipping out your Beep! Book. If they ask you what they are doing, you pause for 5 seconds, looking them straight in the eye, saying:'I am a Gremlin Sherlock Holmes.' No further explanation is needed.
Try to capture especially those behaviours that most people ignore. These will be tone of voice, timing, what is added to a conversation or left out of a conversation, hunt for the more subtle moves.
Note: Everyone has a Gremlin. Gremlin is not good or bad. The purpose of the Gremlin is to protetct a person's Survival Strategies.
The Gremlin has no consideration for consciousness or responsibility. The survival moves will generally be less than responsible. But it is not good or bad.
You do this for a week.
Take your findings to your PTeam. Put a * by the 7 most outrageous Gremlin behaviours that you caught in yourself or others and report to as the findings of being Sherlock Holmes, solving the mystery of Who Is Behind This Mess Is the Gremlin. You have solved the mess in 7 events. That is the evidence.
For the proof section just write down a few words about the most outrageous Gremlin behaviour that you discovered.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.21 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.22
Please read through the Reactivity website until you understand the difference between reactive qualities of a button, a hook, a trigger, a trauma, an imbalance and a voice.
Then, for the next week, three times each day, consciously use one of these Reactivities in the interaction with someone else. Notice how well, how effective the Reactivity is in terms of absolving yourself from the situation. How effective is the Reactivity towards shifting the blame to the other person? Give the Responsibility to someone else.
After each time you consciously used one of the Reactivities, ask the other person to give you feedback about how well it worked, on a scale of 1-10. 10 is totally convincing that you are not responsible. 1 is not at all convincing that you are not responsible.
Ask them for any feedback they have about how you can avoid Responsibility more, using this kind of reaction. Write down their coaching in your Beep! Book.
At your next PTeam demonstrate which of the Reactivities you are most skilled at, based on the feedback in your scientific Reactivity Experiment and demonstrate in front of everybody how good you are at that kind of Reactivity.
Make sure during these days to try all 7 forms to get feedback on your level of expertise with all of those.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.22 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points. For your proof, write down which button / hook / trigger you are the most good at.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.23
This Experiment must be done after you are already out of bed in the morning. Otherwise you might cheat and just stay in bed all day long and that is a cheating solution to the problem of being radical irresponsible.
You have to be up and out of bed and dressed and then do the Experiment.
Without hurting yourself or anyone else, find as many ways as you can to be radically irresponsible during one day. You can even Shift Identity into a responsible victim for having to behave irresponsibly.
Of course you could dumb your garbage can in the middle of the street, or spend more money than you have, or steal things from the grocery store without paying for them, etc.
These examples all use physical objects for being irresponsible. This Experiment is to use non-physical objects. This means you will mostly be experimenting with speaking or not speaking in being radically irresponsible.
For example if someone is talking to you, you could plug your ears, walk away, interrupt them by talking about an irrelevant subject, or if you see two other people talking who you don't know, you could interrupt them with a Problem conversation and try to make them solve your Problem. This Experiment is to use words, speaking or not speaking to be irresponsible, rather than using physical objects.
NOTE: After each Experiment in radical irresponsibility, stop, turn around 360 degrees, make contact with the people and apologize. Say: 'I am sorry for any inconvenience, I am doing an Experiment for being radically irresponsible for an entire day and thank you for participating in this Experiment with me.'
Report to your PTeam the most exquisite radically irresponsible non-creations that you made and what you learned from this.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.23 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.24
To Take A Stand means to commit to yourself and to the universe that you will actually do a thing. In this case, you are Taking A Stand for teaching someone else how to do High Drama. It is best to choose someone you know, someone you care about, and decide to invest one week in a Co-Creative Collaboration and discovery journey of causing a semi-significant High Drama to occur. High Drama is any action through which you take Responsibility, rather than ignoring responsibility or avoiding responsibility, which are forms of Low Drama.
The person that you are with, you should know enough about their life to know where that person might be causing or creating Low Drama, for example at work, at home with their kids or with the neighbors.
Start the Experiment with interviewing this person trying to put as many Low Drama incidents on the table as you can, with their consultation. Ask them which of these Low Dramas is most painful for them, most costly, causing them the most pain and ask them if they will collaborate with you in this Experiment to create a High Drama in that situaion instead. It only works if they actively say 'Yes!'. Tell them you will be more committed to them learning High Drama than they are, or else they would have already done it. Then, strategize three different ways to create High Drama in those circumstances and Practice, role play situations for all three of these strategies. This will Build Matrix in the person for trying High Drama Experiments.
Then, the day comes where the person, on their own impetus, their own Energy, begins to create and run the High Drama from start to finish. Regardless of the outcome, appreciate your colleague for trying to cause High Drama by Becoming an Experimenter and tell them what you learned about teaching somebody how to create High Drama.
Afterwards you try the same High Drama that they tried. The proof is you write a few words about what that was.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.24 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.25
Please review the Gameworld Theory website until you get an idea of what a Gameworld is. Then, list three to five modern culture Gameworlds that irritate the hell out of you. Write down why they irritate you. What you do not like about it, what bothers you, what makes you angry or sad or scared, what is not fair, what the evil circumstances are of these Gameworlds that irritate you.
Then, Choose one of the three and call upon your Muse to give you Non-Linear and Unreasonable design elements for an Archiarchal Gameworld to replace the modern culture Gameworld that irritates you.
Give yourself the freedom to play around with the Archiarchal Gameworld design. Give yourself freedom of movement and access to generous, Infinite Resources beyond your imagination for the Creation of your Archiarchal Gameworld. Because your Archiarchal Gameworld design will benefit everybody in Archiarchy, people will feel glad about that there is that much generosity in the field of your new Gameworld design.
NOTE: Give your new Gameworld a name that is understandable as to what it creates. That is different from the modern culture Gameworld designs. Write your Gameworld as a proposal in a three page Article and publish the Article.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.25 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points. The proof is: Title of your Article.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.26
So often people are in this heartbreaking collapse of intimacy because of a lack of using Completion Loops. It is so devastating to trust and Connection and Love and hope. This Experiment would be to intervene:
You do not try to correct the other person or teach the other person. All you do is:
You sit down with the kid in this case. You use 1 Completion Loop.
You complete for example: 'Your parents hate you.'
The kid says: 'Yes.'
Then complete the next sentence. Then the next. You do 3 or 4 of these Completion Loops.
Afterwards you do not gloat, you do not say: 'See.'
You just walk away.
Your intervention is to complete Communcation Loops. You intervene on the behalf of the person who is not heard, serving them to be heard by actually you Being With them.
Use a week to focus on delivering Completion Loops.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.26 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.27
To begin your research for your WorkTalk on Whole Permaculture please listen to the interview of Clinton Callahan by Dan Palmer at THIS LINK.
It is a lot about using Chaos to combine 'Inner Permaculture' with 'Outer Permaculture' to create 'Archan Permaculture'.Your WorkTalk needs 3-5 Distinctions and is a discovery space, not depending on you already knowing everything about 'Whole Permaculture'.
The WorkTalk is one hour long. Begin by Speaking for 10 minutes about the 3-5 Distinctions and then ask what people's Questions are as part of the discovery journey.
Video your WorkTalk online or offline. Charge people between 5 and 15 Euros or Dollars to participate in your Space. Post the recording of your WorkTalk online. The title of your WorkTalk could be something like The Discovery Of Whole Permaculture.
One Distinction to bring is The Potential of Chaos for 'Whole Permaculture':Many people have solid ideas about what 'Permaculture' is. What is already known is 'Outer Permaculture'.
There is also 'Inner Permaculture'. To shift from depending solely on 'Outer Permaculture' and to include 'Inner Permaculture' is to shift to 'Whole Permaculture'.
'Outer Permaculture' tends to fail when the 'Inner Permaculture' is not well-tended. Instead of fighting a melt-down of your 'Outer Permaculture' you can use it as an Initiatiory Process for your 'Inner Permaculture'. There might be Emotions that come up while you let yourself melt-down into the chaotic potential of your Transformation. Subverting your Gameworld for Transformation involves a Phoenix Process where first your worldview melts into Chaos, and then out of the ashes comes perhaps even a stronger and more stable result.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.27 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points. The Proof is: Link to your video.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.28
Visiting regenerative and transormative Gameworlds can be extremely fruitful for Your Being, who might be hungry to contribute to the evolution of Consciousness on planet Earth.
Consciousness is held by Matrix. Everything has Matrix. Matrix is the structure in which Consciousness manifests like the prism of light when it hits a structure. Stones hold Consciousness with stone Matrix. Trees hold Consciousness with tree Matrix. Humans have the capacity to grow their Matrix and hold more Consciousness depending on their level of Matrix. Regard your Matrix as the soil of a garden, in which whole ecosystems find place. Which plants do you grow? Which ones not? Consciously asking these questions for your inner + outer Permaculture is Whole Permaculture.
Not caring about the quality of your soil, its acidity, the amount of sand, clay and humus crucially limits what you are able to grow. You are the caretaker of your Matrix.
Are you watching the next-hundred even-to-you-nonsense-youtube-videos to distract yourself from your evolutionary Path? How far away is the next bag of chips and cola to give you a short kick?
Packing your bags and going to a four day transformational, inspiring and connecting community weaving gathering of people from which some are desperately researching on the edge of NextCulture - Archiarchy - is another Possibility. Neither of the possibilities named is good / bad / right / wrong. They are just options.
This Experiment is a proposal to become Radically Honest with yourself about what your Being is hungry for in building Matrix. If it is the four day Gathering, register for the next Global Ecovillage Network Gathering HERE. If it is not, what is your next Matrix building community Adventure?When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.27 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points. The Proof is: Your transformational experience from having been at a on-sight gathering of a transformational Gameworld.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.29
Where does value come from? It comes from the one who values. At the same time, some things have value whether or not a person is there with enough presence of Being to value the full value of the thing, like a tree. A tree is not a thing. A tree is a manifestation of complex living ecosystems, just like you are.
If you don't see the value, it does not mean it has no value.
Everything has a value created by nature. Modern Culture uses money as an exchange currency for value and only values things, out of which it can make money. In next culture - Archiarchy - money is no longer valid. Money is replaced by 'Gaias'. Gaias are a natural value currency.
Understanding the difference between money and Gaias is like understanding the difference between weight and mass. Some People use them interchangeably, but they are actually disctinct from one and another.
One Kilogram of any substance has the same mass anywhere you go in universe - Mass is measured in 'kilograms'. Weight is measured in 'pounds' and is consists of two things. Mass + added weight force. Weight force changes with the surrounding circumstances of the gravitation field (e.g. from planet Earth to the Moon: The gravitation field is less strong - less weight force applies = less weight (pounds)). While the weight of a thing changes depending on where you are in universe (pounds), the mass of something stays the same anywhere you go in universe (kilograms).
Gaias are like weight (Pounds), the value of which changes on the circumstances and the negotiations that are worked out between people. There is no exchange rate for Gaias. Gaias are relational. With Gaias, the value of a 'thing' comes from its interactions with the whole of the ecosystems. This Experiment is to upgrade your Thoughtware by experimenting using Gaias and implementing them into your Gameworlds. Nobody already knows how to do this.
Write an article about your experiences and your Experiments.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.29 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points. The Proof is: link to your article.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.30
Torus Meeting Technologies unleash a huge hidden potential of Creative Collaboration, Responsibility, Invention, Creation, Possibility, Adventure, Transformation, Teamwork and Empowerment for people coming together. It is an essential tool for living human Beings in Archiarchy (the culture of a creative collaboration between archetypally initiated women with archetypally initiated men).
Instead, hierarchical meeting technologies lack this potential by putting power to whom is climbing the hierarchical ladder best and suppressing the intelligence and enthusiasm of the vast majority of participants. Those who are best at doing whatever to takes to get to the top of this hierarchical Gameworld are usually psychopaths.
Once you discovered your 3Powers, including Choosing, you have ability to choose the Gameworlds in which you are participating. Having this Authority gives you access to even create your own Torus Gameworlds.
This Experiment is to read through the Torus Technology website and Upgrade Your Thoughtware about meeting technologies. Then check for a Team, group, project or another flexible enough Gameworld you are in, and in which you want shift away from a hierarchical meeting technology. You can take back your Authority proposing new Context Setting using Torus Technology.
NOTE: Any Gremlins in power might automatically be alert to fight against this. Make sure you speak about the potential of Torus Meetings for everyone, even the Gremlins, by creating High Drama Creativity and Invention.
After your proposal has been accepted, all together read through the Torus Technology website and then do your first DIVERGENCE. Meet in NODES (pairs) each one revealing your Fears about shifting the context into a Torus Context and what is needed. In the following CONVERGENCE the NODES share their essential discoveries and make Proposals for the next steps.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.30 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.31
There is two ways of becoming a refugee. Caused by Armageddon or caused by Transformation. In both ways, you might live in a seemingly-only-possible-to-understand-it-this-way-story of being a victim to your circumstances.
The moment you shift away from perceiving yourself as a victim of your cirumstances and start perceiving yourself as a chosen one who has been given great opportunity to create something, you become a New Refugee.
The fact that you do not have what you need and want, does not mean that you cannot create it. If you need something to be better, whose job is it making it better? We are claiming that it is the job of the New Refugees.The Experiment is to use Radical Honesty with yourself, becoming clear about where you put yourself into a victim story of Modern Culture. Given that you have this story proves that you already are a refugee from Modern Culture and that you are the walking need for something to change. Basically for becoming a New Refugee. Otherwise, you would not tell your story to anyone including yourself. Or you secretly love to consume your own energy by victimising yourself and putting responsibility to someone else. Actually, it is impossible to be a victim. You empower who you blame. So!
What do you want to change?Make two columns in your Beep! Book.
First column: List 5 domains of your CLARITY: where do you want something better than what Modern Culture offers you
Second column: For each domain of CLARITY, write down the pain you have about it. Consciously feeling and applying the wisdom of your pain and suffering is the ENERGY for making things better. This pain is gold.
Commit to be the one making one of the 5 domains of your CLARITY better, consciously using your ENERGY. Write down your exact plan how to do it. It does not matter if it will work exactly your way. But writing it down, gives you even more CLARITY and ENERGY about what is needed to be done. The job is on your bench now! Welcome to Your TEAM, the New Refugees.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.31 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.32
You are dreaming of living in community? You envision togetherness and collaboration where you live? You peek furtively towards other groups and people being a village? This is your Village Seed speaking. For how long are you been listening to your Village Seed without becoming active and being the source of Creation of veritable results?
In your evolution of Consciousness, dropping Baggage is essential to be able to bring your Bright Principles and Archetypal Lineage down to Earth for that you are creating your envisioned Village. You might have hidden your Inner Resources inside of you and cut yourself off from the Infinite Resources using Survival Strategies.Many of us have been wounded growing up in modern culture, experiencing isolation, being an outcast, having a family that does not get who you are and want to be. Therefore you might have decided to stuff your Village Seeds deeper and deeper away, together with Your Being, hidden away from Consciousness under layers and layers of unconscious Emotions. You were able to do this thanks to your Survival Strategy. If you can still hear your Village Seed speaking to you, it means, it has survived. This is great news!
The storm of your upbringing might be over, and all you did in the last years was behaving as if it was still active. Peek out. Is it?
Or is it that you got accustomed to your Survival Strategy of better staying hidden? This might be the case if you did not create what you are actually longing for. Then it IS time to drop Baggage.
This Experiment is to do 3 Emotional Healing Processes about your Village Seed longings and the Emotions (Anger, Fear, Sadness, Joy and Mixed Emotions) you have.After each Process, write down half a page in your Beep! Book naming your old and new Decisions, Inspirations, People to go talk to, your Questions to ask, and Invitations to make. Every dropped Baggage makes you more free to move wherever you need to go to create whatever you want to create out of your Village Seed by making offers that you have and finding desperate people to join. They are waiting!
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.32 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ARCHIARC.33
Become Committed This Experiment is to Shift Identity to being an Archan. An Archan is someone who has Become A Bridge to Archiarchy. Archiarchy emerges after Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course. They have run their course, because in Patriarchy, people are exterminating life on planet Earth at the fastest rate possible by granting themselves (unconsciously) to Choose identities from which they (unconsciously) grant themselves multitudes of devastating actions against life.
As an Archan you have consciously chosen your identity. You can grant yourself permission to use Archiarchy worldviews, technologies, Thoughtmaps, permission to have your 13 Tools on your belt, being Bubbled, Centered, to have a different identity than all those people around you. This gives you freedom of movement.
Three times a day you behave as an Archan. Without an excuse. Go Unreasonable and Nonlinear. The people that are American, Catcholic or Corporate Managers behave in ways that are insane in Archiarchy but they grant themselves permission to do it because of their identity. You can do the same as an Archan. Do something you grant yourself permission to, that might seem insane in modern culture, but totally sane to you being in Archiarchy.
Make generous offers, ask someone if they need a Listening Space, use Completion Loops, speak about Archetypal Love, create a Gaian Gameworld, flow your money through Archiarchy Kiva, create a Nanonation with a hymn, a flag, a set Context with clarity about how people can join your nanonation, offer an EHP Dojo warm up space in your apartment for you and your neighbours, speak about the 3Powers, ask who wants to use their Power of Choosing to Become Committed doing one Experiment with you in the next hour.
Read through the Insanity website and make an abundant list of your parasites in your life. Decide which of this Baggage you drop. By doing that together both of you are Becoming Experimenters and Edgewalkers. Find a third person and Create a Practice Team for doing more Experiments.
Two weeks, three times a day, consciously Shift Identity into one of your Archiarchal identities and be bold being an Archan.
When you accomplish this Experiment, please register Matrix Code ARCHIARC.33 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 15 Matrix Points. The proof: you decide an Archan proof and include it.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code ARCHIARC.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!